SIBO Pro Course Topics   

Dr. Siebecker's Practical and Clinical Pearls Included!
Communication checklists for patients, suggested visit schedule, patterns of patient responses, clinical anecdotes, desk reference charts, and other practical tools you’ll use daily. 

Introduction - SIBO sub-types hydrogen, methane, hydrogen sulfide, symptoms & signs, prognosis and treatment overview.

Etiology - What goes wrong in the body to allow SIBO to occur (such as deficient migrating motor complex and anatomic abnormalities), and the many risk factors that lead to SIBO and why.

Pathophysiology - Understand how SIBO creates symptoms through bacterial gas fermentation, carbohydrate malabsorption, endotoxins and more.

Diagnosis - Learn keynotes to recognize SIBO in the clinic, if it's SIBO or something else, how to interpret SIBO breath tests (with lots of examples), how to use tests to inform your treatment, and why testing and retesting is important.

Symptom Relief  & 1st and 2nd line Treatment - What to try before antibacterials plus OTC and Rx treatments for SIBO symptoms.


Dietary Treatment - Learn how to use diet as a 1st line therapy; for symptomatic relief; to support antibacterial treatments; for prevention of relapse; and for chronic SIBO management.

Antibacterial Treatment - Learn how to use the three antibacterial approaches to eradicate bacterial overgrowth: pharmaceutical antibiotics, herbal antibiotics, and elemental diet, as well as specific treatments for hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide type SIBO, and what to expect.

Preventing Relapse & Summary - Learn various approaches for preventing relapse, including meal spacing, bodywork, diet, pharmaceutical and herbal prokinetics, plus Dr. Siebecker's 12 Key SIBO Success Points, comprehensive treatment charts, and case examples.


"I love the Desk Reference PDF Booklet, I keep it open and use it everyday in my practice." ​
- Jeff Horacek MD

SIBO Pro Course Classes

Classes are 10-20 minutes long: watch 1 or 2 at a time, check-off classes as you finish and pick back up easily.

  1. Prevalence, Definition, History 
  2. Anatomy, SIBO Bacteria
  3. Symptoms & Signs
  4. SIBO Types
  5. Treatment Algorithm, Prognosis
  6. Summary


  7. Symptom and Gas Pathophysiology
  8. Carbohydrate Malabsorption
  9. Other and Sign Pathophysiology


  10. Introduction and Overview
  11. Physiologic Underlying Causes, 
         Deficient MMC   
  12. MMC Risk Factors
  13. Structural Risk Factors  
  14. Ileocecal Valve Syndrome Diagnosis
          and Treatment: Dr. Sandberg-Lewis

 15. HCl, Immune, Bile & Enzyme Risk
  16. Discontinuing PPIs: Dr. Sandberg-

  17. Synopsis and Clinical Points
  18. Underlying Cause Testing, Treatment

  19. Clinical Key Indicators
  20. SIBO Associated Diseases
  21. SIBO Differential Diagnosis
  22. Differential Diagnosis Testing
  23. SIBO Testing
  24. SIBO Breath Testing 
  25. Why Test & Retest
  26. SIBO Test Interpretation
  27. Test Examples 
  28. Retest Examples & Testing Summary


  29. 1st & 2nd Line Therapy
  30. 1st & 2nd line Options: Dr. Jacobi

  31. 1st & 2nd line Options: Dr. Ruscio
  32. Symptom Treatment: Overview,   
         Pain, Bloating 
  33. Symptom Treatment: Constipation
  34. Symptom Treatment: Diarrhea
  35. Symptom Treatment: Nausea,
         Reflux, General
  36. Symptom Relief: Supplements to  
  37. Treatment: Overview

  39. Uses, Effectiveness
  40. Patterns, Principles         
  41. Key Indicators                        
  42. Carbohydrates (parts 1-3)               
  43. SCD, GAPS Diet
  44. FODMAP Diet               
  45. SIBO Specific Food Guide,
          Bi-Phasic Diet, Cedars-Sinai Diet,
          Fast Track Diet        
  46. SIBO Diet Comparisons                        
  47. Foods & Meals (parts 1-3)
  48. Diet Clinical Application parts 1-3 
  (How and When, Problems, Expanding)   49. Summary                    
  50. Resources

Elemental Diet
  51. Elemental Diet
  52. Challenges & Clinical Tips
  53. Case Examples
  54. Summary 

  55. Antibiotics for SIBO
  56. Alternative Options & Logistics
  57. Summary

Herbal Antibiotics
  58. Protocol Types, Single Herb
  59. Herbal Antibiotic Properties
  60. Combination Herb Protocols
  61. Case Example 
  62. Key Points & Summary

Antibacterial Treatment Points
  63. Methane Treatment
  64. Hydrogen Sulfide Treatment
  65. Hydrogen Sulfide Diagnosis​
  66. Antibacterial Treatment Response
  67. Antibacterial Treatment 
  68. Antibacterial Treatment Adjuncts

    69. Prognosis
    70. Prevention: Overview
     71. Foundations and General Use
     72. Individual Prokinetics:
     73. Mechanisms, Site Activity, Safety 
     74. Use in SIBO
     75. SIBO Options, Dosing
     76. SIBO Clinical Application 
  77. Prevention and Prokinetic

Summary - Clinical Points   
  78. Clinical Application
  79. Key Success Points
  80. Case Examples

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